I know my regular readers have been waiting for my new posts. I thank them for their patience and want to share that I'll now be posting regularly about my findings at my work and experiences otherwise.
This post shares how I developed an advanced version of the popular open source DOMTab (JavaScript to create tabbed structure in your application). DOMTab is a wonderful piece of code to painlessly create Firefox like tabs for your web application. Our application required the tabs to be seamless such that when we click "next" on last tab, it takes us to the first tab. Moreover, the tabs should automatically change to next one after 5 secs.
The changes and additions I made to original DOMTab.js were not many or difficult to do (credited to original author for the clean code) but I felt it would be worth sharing with you all so that others who need this functionality don't need to re-invent the wheel.
Download the JavaScript file here (Add .js to it after downloading)
This javascript is provided as-is and under no circumstance I can be held responsible for any problems that occur because of using it. For more details refer to original author's note